
Claims summary report


Claims summary data is available up to 24 months.

Download either yearly reports in one click or select custom date range. Note: when selecting dates, please be aware that not all benefits run on a calendar year.

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HSA report

Looking for details regarding a specific HSA claim payment? View your Explanation of Benefits under Claim details or Documents.


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Yearly premium statements

Select a year to download a statement from.


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Common questions

Can I re-direct my Health Spending Account payment to my provider (e.g. a dentist or optician)?

No, Health Spending Account credits cannot be assigned to pay a provider. According to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, credits can only be used to reimburse expenses which have been paid.

Can the Health Spending Account reimbursement be sent to me through direct deposit?

Yes. Visit the Update direct deposit in the mybluecross® account dropdown to set up direct deposit using your account number, transit number, and bank number (located on your personal cheque or in your online banking account details). Banking information will be updated within one business day.

How do I request reimbursement from my Health Spending Account?

If you have an automatic claim payment plan, you do not need to request reimbursement. Manitoba Blue Cross will automatically pay balances remaining from previously submitted claims with the payment of a health or dental claim or when you reach the minimum payment threshold. If you have unpaid balances with another carrier, add an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from that carrier to your claim on mybluecross®. Or, if you have unclaimed expenses, be sure to submit your claim on mybluecross.

If you have an on request claim payment plan, you will need to request reimbursement for unpaid balances:

The easiest time to do this is during initial claim submission to your health or dental plan. When completing your online or paper claim, check Yes where it says "Pay remainder from Health Spending Account."

To request reimbursement after a claim has been submitted to your health or dental plan, use the Request HSA payment feature within mybluecross®. This web-based application allows you to quickly request reimbursement for outstanding balances previously submitted to your health or dental plan.

If you have unpaid balances with another carrier, please submit an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from that carrier on mybluecross® so we may add these outstanding expenses to your account. Or, if you have unclaimed expenses, be sure to submit your claim on mybluecross.

How many credits do I have in my Health Spending Account?

Health Spending Account credits are deposited into your account as directed by your employer. Visit Coverage in mybluecross® to view your HSA coverage information, including credits accrued and credits used.

I am going on maternity leave this month. Can I continue to submit expenses since I have already been allocated credits for this year?

If your employer terminates your coverage when you start maternity leave, you may submit Health Spending Account (HSA) expenses incurred during the time you were covered, provided they are submitted within the claim limitation period or termination grace period (whichever occurs first).

Visit Coverage in mybluecross® to view your HSA plan information including claim limitation period and benefit year.

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