
You have an outstanding audited claim that must be resolved before this claim can be processed. View audited claim(s):


This claim has been selected for audit and requires review. Please submit your receipts and any other related documents.

Claim number
Service recipient
Birth year
Paid to
Billed amount
Other plan paid
Paid amount

Claimed expenses

hourglass_topIn process
receipt_longAwaiting statement from other carriers

Paid amount explanation


The list is empty

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Common questions

If the claim status is Processed, why haven't I been paid?

If the Paid Amount is $0.00, please review the claim details.

If the claim status is Processed and a Paid Amount is indicated, a payment will be direct deposited with 1-3 business days from the Processed Date. Cheque payments are issued weekly.

My claim requires a prescription. How do I submit this?

Some plans require a medical prescription for services or products to be eligible for coverage. You may upload your medical prescription at any time.

Important: If you prefer to mail your medical prescription, you must include your certificate number.

Why have I been audited? How do I resolve an audited claim?

Manitoba Blue Cross is committed to protecting your benefits from fraud and abuse. One of the ways we do this is by auditing claims to confirm the accuracy of information provided. Visit Insurance Fraud and Abuse to learn more.

To resolve an audited claim, simply upload your receipt(s) and any related documents (e.g. prescription, claim statement from another carrier).

Important: If you prefer to mail your receipt(s), you must include the printed claim showing the Reference Number.

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