Payment history


It may take 2 to 3 business days from the process date for your financial institution to deposit payments into your account.


We have noticed you are not currently signed up for Direct Deposit. Sign up now to receive claim payments faster!


We have noticed that not all of your certificates have Direct Deposit. Add Direct Deposit to to all of your certificates to ensure you receive your claim payments faster!

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Common questions

I was told my cheque was issued last week, but I still haven't received it. Can you issue me a replacement cheque?
  • If your claim payment cheque has not arrived after allowing for sufficient mailing time, contact us to request a bond form for replacement. We recommend allowing Canada Post three weeks to ensure we do not cancel a cheque that may be in transit.
  • To avoid mailing delays, sign up for direct deposit and have claim payments transmitted directly to your bank account.
If I pay upfront for my claim, can I be reimbursed directly into my bank account?

Yes. Visit Manage Account in mybluecross® to set up direct deposit using your account number, transit number, and bank number (located on your personal cheques). Banking information will be updated within one business day.

When will I receive my reimbursement cheque?

Cheques are mailed weekly (this does not include the time needed by Canada Post to deliver your claim or Explanation of Benefits statement). Busier periods or complex claims may require additional processing time.

For faster reimbursement, register for direct deposit by selecting Manage Direct Deposit under the account dropdown. It's safe, secure and eliminates the risk of lost or stolen cheques. Plus with direct deposit, payments will be transferred directly into your bank account (and not subject to mail delays like cheque payments) so you'll gain access to your money sooner.

Where can I view payment details?

Visit Payments history once your claim is processed to view the details of your claim payment.

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